Kick-off meeting

Jan 21, 2024 | News

On 9th of October, 2023, the Jožef Stefan Institute hosted a kick-off meeting for the DIGITOP program, aimed at presenting the program and discussing individual research and development projects. The meeting provided participants with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with administrative management and financial reporting, as well as the content aspects of the programs.

The event began with the arrival and greeting of participants in the Kolar Lecture Hall at Jamova 39 in Ljubljana. This was followed by a presentation of the program, led by Aleš Ude, after which Andrej Gams, Miha Deniša, Marko Munih, Gregor Dolanc, and Janez Povh presented individual research and development projects. The emphasis on administrative management and financial reporting was provided by Marja Mali, while Robert Blatnik presented the consortium agreement.

Subsequently, there was a session for questions and answers regarding administrative management and financial reporting, which offered an opportunity for clarification of any doubts. After a short break, Nataša Vertot Rakun introduced the program’s promotion, followed by a presentation on project implementation, key performance indicators, and content reporting, again led by Aleš Ude.

The meeting concluded with questions and a discussion on the content of the project, allowing participants to engage in a detailed debate on key topics and challenges. The meeting ended at 4:30 PM, after an intensive and productive afternoon that provided important information and guidance for further work on the DIGITOP program.